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Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Computer is an electronic device which accepts some data process it and execute the process data. It is also high speeded data manipulation electronics systems which accept and save input data and give us output by processing the data.

How to Computer work?

Input Unit
Memory Unit
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
Control Unit

Output  Unit

Fig: Block diagram of a Computer System

CPU (Central processing unit):
The operation of a cpu can be reduced to three basic steps:

**Fetch: The control unit fetches the next instructions, copying it from memory into the CPU.

**Decode: In this stage CPU determine what kind of instruction it is.

**Execute: After decoding instruction it performs the job and passes the result to the control unit.

Parts of Micro computer

Generally computer parts are three kinds----

  1. Input Device or Input Unit
  2. Memory Unit
  3. Arithmetic & Logic Unit
  4. Control Unit
  5. Output Device or Output Unit

1. Input Device:

a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Light Pen
d) Digitizer
e) Digital camera
f) Scanner
g) Microphone
h) Touch Screen

2. Memory Unit

a) Primary Memory: RAM, ROM
b) Secondary Memory or storage Device: Floppy disk, Hard disk, Tape.

Unit of Memory: The Unit of memory called Byte

8 Bite = 1 Byte (1 character)
1024 (210) Byte = 1 Kilobyte (KB)
1024 (210) KB = 1 Megabyte(MB)
1024 (210) MB = 1 Gigabyte (GB)
1024 (210) GB = 1 Terabyte (TB)

Bit: Bit is a binary digit which is an electronic signal to a computer like “0” for Off “1” for On.

Byte: A byte is a usually a group of eight adjacent bits, operated as a unit.

3. Arithmetic & Logic Unit:
Math and number crunching occur in Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).All the adding, subtracting , multiplying, diving, comparing and other manipulations are done by the ALU.

4. Control Unit:

Everything your PC dose is directed by the control unit. This Unit interprets computer instruction and initiates the signals that cause the computer circuit to do tasks. The control unit and the Arithmetic logic Unit are combined into a single chip called the central processing unit or CPU or Microprocessor.

6.     Output Device:

a)      Monitor (Display Unit)
b)      Printer
c)      Speaker
d)      Plotter

Computer System

A computer system comprises Hardware and Software.

Hardware: Hardware means physical components of a Computer. On the other hand all external and internal device which are related to perform Computer work. Such as: The Monitor , the Mouse, the Motherboard etc

Components of Computer Hardware: All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components:

a) System Unit or CPU
b) Display Unit or Monitor
c) Input Unit
d) Output Unit

a. System Unit or CPU: The heart of the computer, this is the component that actually executes instructions.

1. Motherboard
2. Processor
3. RAM
4. Hard disk drive (HDD)
5. Floppy disk drive (FDD)
7. Heat sink (Cooling fan)
8. AGP Card
9. Sound Card etc.

b. Display Unit: Color monitor or Monochrome monitor or television.

c. Input Unit: Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer.

10. Keyboard
11. Mouse
12. Light pen
13. Digitizer
14. Digital camera
15. Scanner
16. Microphone
17. Touch screen etc

D.Output Unit: A display screen, printer or other device that lets you see what the computer has accomplished.

18. Monitor (Display Unit)
19. Printer
20. Speaker
21. Plotter

Software: Software is computer programs that determines or control the action of a Computer. Such as: operating system, editor, compilers and a Fortran 90 program

Operating System:

An operating system, or OS, is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without software a computer operating system, a computer would be useless.






The motherboard is the main circuit board inside the PC which holds the processor,
Memory and expansion slots and connect directly or indirectly to every part of the PC.A motherboard is the central or primary circuit  board making up a complex electronic system, such as a modern computer. It is also known as a main board, baseboard and system board.

Form factors: Three popular motherboard form factors are,
  1. AT (Advanced Technology)- created by IBM for its PC/XT successor. Also known as full AT, It was popular during the era of the INTEL 80386 Microprocessor.Superseded by ATX.Its 1 row contains 12 pins.
  2. ATX (Advanced Technology Extended) – created by Intel in 1995. As of 2007,it is the most popular form factor for commodity motherboards. Its 2 row contain 20 pins.
  3. BTX (Balanced Technology Extended) – a standard proposed by Intel as a successor to ATX in the early 2000s.Its 2 row contain 24 pins.

Component of Motherboard:

  1. Processor Slot
  2. RAM Slot
  3. Expansion Slot
  4. IDE Controller
  5. Floppy disk controller
  6. Chip set
  7. Parallel port
  8. Serial port
  9. Ps/2 port
  10. USB port
  11. CMOS Battery
  12. Bios
  13. Heat sink
  14. Jumper
  15. Power connector
  16. Game and Audio port

Identification process of different types of port

1.      Ps/2 port: It has 6 pin. Mouse and keyboards is joined there. Generally 1st port for keyboards and 2nd port for Mouse.
2.      USB port: Its pin number is 4.127 types’s devices can use there. Its great advantage is, it is plug_&_play.
3.      Comport or Serial Port: Its pin number is 9 and arranged in two rows. Generally a computer has one or two serial port. Serial Mouse and Serial keyboard are use there.
4.      AGP port/VGA port: It has 15 pin arranged 3 rows. Monitor is Connected there.
5.      Parallel port/LPT port: 25 pin are present in two rows. Printer use there.
6.      Games and audio port: 15 pin are present in 2 rows.

Different types of sockets: Support Processor slot:

1. Socket 7                        : Cyrix, AMD K6-2
2. Socket 370                    : Pentium 3
3. Socket 423                    : Pentium 4

To Be Continuing...........


Networking: A computer network is a group of computer connected by using various media,providing resources,printers,scanners,hard disk,floppy disk etc.

# To share software : a) Application
                                b) Data base

Network Classification: 1.Distance.
                                    2. Geometrical
                                    3. Architecture.
                                    4. Protocol

Distance: a) LAN
                c) MAN

a) LAN(Local Area Network): It’s limited area are 1000 meters.
           Uses: NIC Or Lan Card, Modem,Cable,Radio Link etc.

In Radio Link every card contains Antenna.

b) WAN (Wide Area Network): It contains a group of LAN and MAN .It is connected with some metropolitan and wide areas Pc’s.

Such as :WWW(World Wide Web),Internet.

We enter Internet by the media of Dial up and Broad band.

Rang:1000 km

Media: Microwave.

Communication: 1)Satellite Microwave 2) VSAT 3)Frequency Control Tower.

To Be Continuing...........

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